
江苏省常州市经济开发区横林镇西工业园区通顺路188号 +860-8736 6689 / 8745 8899 info@cjpfcn.com
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    3月24日至3月25日,常州旅游春季系列活动之常州国际时装周2017春夏系列(S/S 2017 CHANGZHOU FASHION WEEK)在国家4A级景区、常州地标性建筑红梅公园拉开帷幕。(红梅公园距今已有59年历史,园内许多盆景在全市、全省乃至全国盆景大赛中多次获奖,施工的同时既要确保不遭到破坏又要按时完成篷房的搭建,无疑不是一次艰巨的挑战)。

    From March 24-25, 2017 Changzhou Fashion Week has been launching in the landmark of Changzhou- Hongmei Park


    Over ten countries and regions brought their around 20 brands to issue their new trends and presented many fantastic fashion shows.框架组合式篷房、全透明顶系列、空调、地板、GLASS WALL、KFC门全部由创巨篷房独家提供。在一个3线城市做一场时装周,既要考虑经费又要考虑效果,无疑不是一种挑战,但是我公司在短时间内保质保量的交出了满意的答卷,得到主办方和政府领导的一致赞赏,再次体现了创巨篷房作为最佳合作伙伴的重要性。

    Frame combination tents with transparent roof, air conditioning, floor, glass wall, KFC doors are exclusively provided by Romax. To hold fashion week in a third-class city like Changzhou is a challenge because of the conflict of input consideration and the effects and influences. Romax submitted a satisfactory answer within limited time and was rewarded with appreciation of the government and the host, which represented the importance of choosing Romax as the strategic partner.以精工品质傲视全球,这是创巨孜孜以求的远大目标。我们期待与您的合作,竭诚为您奉上优质篷房服务。